A moment of peace amidst health concerns

Labrinyth for meditation and peace

Walking a labyrinth for meditation and peace

If you have ever gone through times of having a possible serious health issue, you know what it is like being on the roller coaster of getting tests done and waiting for the results. Often, these results lead to more tests.

My readers may know that I have been going through some tests to see if my cancer from 2010 has recurred.  I started this journey in November 2013 and it is still going on.  One test seems to lead to the next, because most of my results are not ‘clean’.

I have started an immunotherapy treatment that I feel very confident about. There is some ’cause for concern’ and I may have some cancer in my body, and I have confidence that this treatment will strengthen my immune system so my body can fight this on its own.  I plan to blog much more in the near future about the learnings I have acquired, which I feel are invaluable.

In the meantime, I had a specialist appointment the other day, was somewhat nervous, and after the appointment I came upon an unexpected labyrinth.  It was exactly what I needed in that moment – to drop my current ‘story’ and take a few minutes to walk the labyrinth in meditation.  It helped me become 100% present and not worry about what these tests may lead to.

So if you are going through waiting for test results or worried about your health, see if you can find ways to bring peace into your life and be present, be mindful.


Related posts:




Live in a state of ‘being’ not just ‘doing and accomplishing’

Dalai Lama quote - paradox of our age

A reflection of today’s lifestyle

One of the important life lessons I’ve learned in recent years is that I do not need to always be rushing around, hyper-scheduling, and always doing something.  We are conditioned to be a ‘doing’ society – do more and do faster.

I’ve been sharing my quote ‘Live in a state of being not just doing and accomplishing with people lately, and am told this has helped people stop and think.  We need reminders like this sometimes to get perspective and realize that joy in life does not come from material wealth and being able to brag about how great we are — these things may give temporary happiness, but it does not last.

As you read the Dalai Lama passage above, I imagine you are nodding your head and generally agreeing with his words.  My ask of you is that you go one step beyond reading this, but consider what you can do in your life to slow down, take time to appreciate life mindfully, and focus less on doing.  Live more in a state of being rather than doing.

Take a moment. Take a breath. Feel the gratitude of your life.


Dr. Joe Dispenza is coming to Vancouver, BC

Dr Joe Dipenza

Change your brain. Change your state of being.

Dr. Joe Dispenza is coming to Vancouver twice this year. For those of you who have taken my ‘Learn to Meditate’ course or who have followed my blog for awhile, know that I consider Dr. Dispenza one of my teachers.

He teaches how to have a different experience in life regardless of what is going on around you. What I like about his teaching is he does a good job making this accessible to the majority of people by using simple meditation techniques.  Through neuroplasticity, you can get rid of negative thinking patterns, and create a new state of being.

His appearances in Canada are listed here.

  • May 17/18, 2014:  He’ll be a keynote speaker at  the ‘I Can Do It’ conference which pulls together many popular speakers.
  • July 4-6, 2014:  His ‘Progressive’ Workshop (also known as his Level 2 workshop) is worthwhile attending.  The previous ‘Level 1’ workshop is now offered as ‘Online Intensive Workshop’ and is included in the price of this Progressive workshop. So if you have never attended his workshops, you can go to this one and are asked to watch the online video before attending.  A good discount is available if you register before May 4.

He rarely teaches in Vancouver, perhaps only every 2 years. I have attended all three of his workshops and had to travel to Colorado and Arizona to do so.  So if you are interested in his teachings, I would urge you to consider this if you live in the Vancouver, British Columbia area.

For those of you not in Vancouver, you may be interested to see his website as he teaches around the world.

Read my previous post about his teachings here.

Sending out good wishes to you all, and hope that you find joy in your daily lives.
