Make Dreams, not Resolutions



New Year’s Resolutions are an irritant for most people. The promises you make to yourself to do this or that, exercise more, be a better person, not fight with your parents, etc, just falls flat very quickly, then you feel bad about yourself when it does!

So instead try Dreaming … envisioning yourself having what you want in life.  Dreaming is important – to be very clear on what it is you want to see in your life, and believe it and feel it.

When you spend quiet time feeling it and believing it, this creates an energetic resonance within and around you.  Each thought creates a chemical. Thinking creates feelings. Your body is a servant to your thinking.  Thinking creates the state of being. All of this energy culminates into creating the future that you desire.

Here’s what to do:

1)  Think about what you want in 2012 in these areas (or make up your own subjects):

  • your personal life
  • your financial life
  • your work life
  • your spiritual life

2)  Write down your answer as if it has already happened and how you ‘felt’ when it happened.  For example:  “My circle of friends shifted so I am now surrounded by those who really care about me and have the same interests I do.  I am so much happier now that old friendships that were not working for me anymore are now gone from my life.”

3)  Feel and believe what you wrote.  Spend a few minutes every day feeling and believing your dream.  Really ‘mentally rehearse’ your dreams by feeling it in your body as if they have already happened.

Create this energetic mind/body connection to make your dreams come true.

Thank you for reading my blog and inspiring me. I wish you a very Happy New Year filled with good health, joy and inspiration.

Poll: How did you manage your holiday stress?

Well, how did the Christmas season go for you this year?  There is added stress on everyone to some extent during the holiday season – please take this quick poll now. You can select up to 3 options.

If you have ways to handle your stress that aren’t listed in the poll, please comment and share your story.

Cheers to you!  Thanks for participating.

The Gift of Goat

Now that it is post-Christmas and Canada is busy looking out for Boxing Day Sales (called ‘After Christmas Sales’ in the U.S.) seeing what deals can be found on electronics, clothes, etc, I am reminded how much we westerners have.  Let’s all try to remember to help those in need, whether it is locally in your community or around the world.

The Gift of a Goat

A meaningful gift - The Gift of a Goat (Photo courtesy of Plan Canada)

Before Christmas we donated money to Plan Canada so a goat could be purchased for a needy family.  What a unique way to give – a family will have the milk for nourishment and the potential of income from selling the milk. The cost was only $75 to me as other donating organizations match my gift to purchase the goat.

There were many other gift ideas and price points, such as a anti-malaria bed net for $30, a mango tree for $12, baby chicks for $15, or Literacy training for 2 women for $120.

We have been sponsoring a little girl who is mute from the Dominican Republic for over 10 years, and Plan Canada (previously was called ‘Foster Parents Plan’) has done an amazing job, administering everything very smoothly.

So I thought I would share this in the hope that maybe you would comment on how you have helped someone or a charity recently, or perhaps even consider donating to Plan Canada for one of these unique gifts. Click on Plan Canada, and select ‘Give a Gift of Hope’ to see all the options.

My Holiday Message to You

At this special time of the year, my wish for you is this:

Winter Buddha

Winter time for Buddha

  • May you be filled with loving kindness
  • May you be at peace
  • May you be happy
  • May you be healthy
  • May you breathe in the spirit of the holiday season with gratitude and love.

Thank you for reading my blog and sending comments – it breathes life and spirit into me every day.

With Peace & Love,


A Time to Reflect and Dream

A new Path

Reflect with Gratitude & Dream your New Path

This is a perfect time of year to take time for yourself to sit in silence and have a meaningful conversation with yourself.  You don’t even have to verbalize this if you don’t want to, just sit quietly with a pen & paper, and ask yourself these two questions:

  1. What am I grateful for in 2010?
  2. What do I want to see in my future?

The first question allows you to consciously take the time to see what is good in your life, and the second question allows you to DREAM!  I don’t mean the dreams you have when you are asleep, I mean envisioning yourself having what you want in life.  Dreaming is important – to be very clear on what it is you want to see in your life, and believe it and feel it.  I enjoy the work by a few authors who are just wonderful at explaining feeling & believing and how energetically this can affect the outcome of your dreams. I will share their books in a future post.

So put on some relaxing music, create a quiet space for yourself and write down your thoughts to these two questions.  For the future-based thoughts, try to be very specific and put a time target with it if you can. An example might be:  “By June 2012, I want to make 2 new close friendships who I truly enjoy spending time with and I can talk to in confidence.”  Then as often as you can remember, envision what it would be like to have these friends – feel it and believe it.  It has definitely worked for me!

Happy Holidays everyone!