Workplace meditation results for stress and resiliency

It seems daily that we hear about more research into the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.  I just completed another survey of my workplace meditation students that I’m so excited about!

As an organizational change manager, I have found that teaching meditation and mindfulness in the workplace produces amazing results.  Staff who attend even on a sporadic basis have reported wonderful benefits of stress reduction and increased personal resiliency. There is a huge benefit to people personally but there is also a significant benefit to an organization who has employees who are able to transition through change easier.

Out of 60 respondents, please look at the results for these 2 questions:

Stress reduction stats from meditation


  • BEFORE TAKING CLASSES: 16% rated their ability to handle stress as High
  • AFTER TAKING CLASSES:  66% rated their ability to handle stress as High
  • Therefore:  a 400% increase
  • BEFORE TAKING CLASSES: 36% rated their ability to handle stress as Low
  • AFTER TAKING CLASSES:  Dropped to 0%


Resiliency Increase through meditation


  • BEFORE TAKING CLASSES: 14% rated their personal resiliency as High
  • AFTER TAKING CLASSES:  75% rated their personal resiliency as High
  • Therefore:  a 530% increase
  • BEFORE TAKING CLASSES: 36% rated their personal resiliency as Low
  • AFTER TAKING CLASSES:  Dropped to 2%

So what do you think?  I’m so excited to see these results.  Please tell me what you think!

If you would like to read how I started meditation and mindfulness in the workplace, please read here.


4 thoughts on “Workplace meditation results for stress and resiliency

    • Hello Nomi! I’m sorry for the delay in responding to this. I’ve had computer problems lately.
      How can I help you specifically on this?

      Thank you,

  1. What a lovely introduction Wendy. The benefits of meditation and mindfulness are far reaching both in personal and all types of professional life, aren’t they. Although I know it helps me live a more peaceful and centered life, for example, it is a major contributing factor in my landscape photography in making it more possible to find my subjects and connect with the land. Nice job.

    • Oh thank you so much, Rick. What a lovely message to receive from you. I am SO very excited about these statistics. I know first-hand daily how it is helping people, but to see these tangible statistics is wonderful.

      I have visited your website and you do beautiful, stunning work.

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